Holy Spirit Manifestations

Discernment. It’s so important these days. I guess no more important than in the early days of the church, when the apostles warned repeatedly about false prophets, false teachers, false apostles and false doctrine.

Although these topics are a running theme in the New Testament, one thing I don’t see too much about is false manifestations of the Spirit, such as barking. I was recently watching some YouTube videos where believers were barking like dogs and others were shaking their heads back and forth so violently that I wasn’t sure how they remained upright.

Brothers and sisters, everything that looks supernatural is not of the Holy Spirit. The devil has counterfeit signs and wonders and they are manifesting even in the church! Ask the Lord to give you discernment so that you can recognize false manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Don’t be deceived in this hour.

Mission: Ecuador 2010

I haven’t updated my personal blog in a while. Things have been really hectic trying to get my daughter ready to go to Ecuador on a two-week missions trip. She went to Nicaragua with me last year, but this year’s evangelistic mission takes her with a different group even further South.

My teenaged girl will minister to the native Ecuadorians in a land known for its Andes mountains, Amazon rainforests, and being located just below the equator. She will offer the Gospel message through dramas each day on the busy streets and city dumps for families who long to experience God’s authentic love. She will go from home to home to invite the locals and watch as they emerge from the jungles to see her present the Gospel through powerful dramas every day.

This is an awesome opportunity for a 13-year-old. Please keep her in your prayers!

Hearing God’s Voice Clearly in the Midst of a Trial

Yesterday we had an awesome time. I shared about how to hear God’s voice clearly in the midst of a trial. I was blessed by the interaction and the Q&A afterwards. I love teaching people how to hear for God for themselves. That’s part of the function of a New Testament prophet according to Ephesians 4:11.

Be sure to visit my ministry web site at http://www.jenniferleclaire.org.

When Jail Ministry Meets the Prophetic

I just came back from a very productive meeting for the jail ministries. Some of you may know that I am a Community Chaplain for South Florida Jail Ministries. It’s always such a joy to sit with men and women of God, who hear from God, and talk about how to help children of inmates and their families.

I just want to encourage any of you who are in the jail or prison ministry: keep up the good work.

When I was incarcerated for those 40 days, there was prophetic ministry in the Christian ward. A visiting prophet came to share the word of the Lord with us. He was extremely accurate. I believe there is a place for true prophetic ministry in the prisons today. What do you think?

Be sure to visit my ministry web site at JenniferLeClaire.org.

Anointed Christian Books

What Makes a False Prophet a False Prophet?

On my Facebook page, I recently asked the question, “What makes a false prophet a false prophet?” As you might imagine, I got quite a few responses about false prophetic ministry.

One person said: You’ll know them by their fruits. I have personally only met ONE false prophet in my 30+ years in ministry. MOST of what is called false is merely misunderstood. And Jezebel, contrary to popular belief, has not been re-incarnated and multiplied by a bazillion. The worst kind of falseness, is that which seeks to criticize and not build up the body of Christ. True prophets are so busy living a servant’s life, they don’t have time to speculate and gossip. just my humble opinion.

Another person said: Perhaps a false prophet is one that searches for truth in the arena of the false. What are false arenas? Anything other than the spirit of God including religion, the unrenewed soul, society, the occult, and the demonic. Perhaps some knowingly search those arenas while others lack wisdom or discerning and yet others are conditioned to exchange a lie for the truth. The end result is the same. Confusion, deception, and perpetuation of the kingdom of darkness.

What’s your take? What makes a false prophet a false prophet? I discuss some of those issues in my book, “A Prophet’s Heart.” You might also want to check that out.

Visit my ministry web site at JenniferLeClaire.org.